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Thursday, April 28, 2022

Hobby Bingo

 We did survive the cruise.  It was a lot of fun because we got to spend a great time together.  Not sure how I like the HUGE ship, but the steam rooms were great and we played a lot of Forbidden Island. We even beat it at legendary level! (No thanks to me, I though we could not do it but my wife insisted)

I got both of my books read, I really enjoyed DurandalThe Vikings and Their Enemies was good, but did not engage me.  I do know more about the period now than I did before, but I think I will dig up some more on the era. 

Since we have been back, I have fiddled around with a little painting but have felt myself slipping into one of those funks we all get in to. That is until I listened to Henry Hyde interview Sidney Roundwood and I learned about Sid's hobby bingo approach. I don't think he invented it, but seems like a great approach.

I have been fiddling with a lot of things, but have decided to focus mostly on my 28mm Dark Ages Skirmish project and 28mm Darkest Africa project (with a fictional secret conflict between Britain and Germany in central Africa.)  I'll also sprinkle in some other items. 

Here is my bingo card.  I have been keeping a Bullet Journal for the past 2 months and including hobby stuff in it. Off topic, the Bullet Journal is a great, flexible way to organize your life and I have found it makes me much more meaningful and productive in my personal and work life, let's see how it does for the hobby.  My artistic skills do not match some of our wargaming comrades, like Henry Hyde, but it will do the job.

Each box is a "do-able" sprint of work, and I can switch around between things so I do not get bored.  My reward when I finish filling out the whole thing is I will let myself start a new project.  Like 1/600 Korean War aircraft or 6mm WW1 Middle East or Thor only knows what.

The wife is busy during the day this weekend, so I intend to mark off as many boxes as I can, here is the painting desk right now.

I shall report back progress, until then good gaming!