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Sunday, September 15, 2019

6x6 Challenge Round 1 / Game 2 : Attack / Defend

I finally got my second game in for my 6 x 6 challenge, so I am still on the wagon!

You can see the rules I am using and the previous game here.


I shifted the max "right" two hexes and played a Battalion de Chaussurs (BdeCh) counter attack against the same industrial objective fough over during the previous meeting engagement.
They have 4 armor platoons, 3 mech infantry platoons, a MLR battery in support, and a battery of air defense calliopes.

The 125th Panzer Grenadiers have reinforced their units that seized the objective last game and have 3 Panzer platoons, 1 Mech infantry platoon, a battery of MLR's, a platoon of Panzer Jaeger's (hypervelocity rail guns), but not air defense support.

Not going to do a blow by blow description, but here is how it played out.

The terrain setup and the BdeCh.'s scheme of maneuver.  The terrain is fairly close, so they hope to use their infantry to good effect. The 125th has posted a platoon of armor forward to delay and the single platoon of hypervelocity rail guns back with a looooooong field of fire.

 First contact, the forward Panzer platoon takes a beating, but manages to withdraw before being destroyed, while killing one BdeCh armor platoon and mauling another.

 The BdeCh northern flanking force is in position and begins its attack, and their southern task force continue to reorganize.
 A close view of the action, you can also see the Panzer platoon in the town is contonuing to regroup from the damage it took initially.  I am using Pyrkol microblast markers to track hits.  single markers = 1 hit, and the larger 3 blast marker = 3 hits.  So that Panzer platoon is down to 4 hits
 The fighting intensifies with the northern flanking force.

Finally, the 125th finds itself in an untenable position, with the BdeCh infantry close assaulting the town and being whittled down to 1 platoon each of mech infantry, armor, and panzer jaegers.  The Frenchies did not get off unbloodied, though, losing 3 armor platoons as combat ineffective.

I will try to get another game in before we go to Southern Front and on vacation.  Whenever I get it on the table, Hammer's Slammer's themselves will be making an appearance.  Until then, good gaming!

Monday, September 2, 2019

A little progress on my Kanban Painting board and ready for Southern Front

I managed to shift some units forward in the process, see my last post for an explanation.  I like the process so far, it is helping me to keep moving forward on projects without feeling like my hobby has become a job.

Meanwhile, I have Death Temple of Sarnath packed and ready to go for September 21st for Southern Front!  This is always a great convention. If you can, I highly recommend attending.

I have not fallen off the 6x6 challenge wagon yet, I have game 1.2 on the table with the troops in starting locations, so I will play a turn at a time this week, so watch for results.

My gaming time will be a little restricted as usual, as I am starting a graduate program on 10/1 and on 9/22 my beautiful wife and I are headed for Bermuda for the first time.  We are really looking forward to it, any suggestions for things to see or do?

Good gaming to everyone!