I am a bit heads down at the moment with real life and painting the rest of my Pendraken WW1 figures and making terrain. I plan to do a full photo shoot when done, but in the meantime, do not have much to share.
What I do have to share is a stack of magazines I want to get rid of. So, to make things interesting, I am going to run a few Tactical Decision Game exercises to get some conversations rolling and I hope you find them enjoyable. Here are the rules:
- Send me your solution by leaving a comment below before midnight EDT on 4/14, your comments will not be published until after the deadline, so no looking at other's papers!
- I will select the top 3 and a winner using my own judgment (as good or bad as that may be)
- I will publish all of the comments on this post so everyone can peruse them and tell me why I am wrong (us wargamers are an ornery lot!)
- I will publish another post with the top 3, including the winner.
If you win AND you live in the continental United States, I will ship you completely FREE six random magazines from my stack for your enjoyment. They range from 1994 - 2015 and include Miniature Wargames, Wargames Illustrated, Battlegames, and Wargames Soldiers and Strategy. Who knows what you'll get! I don't because I have already sealed them in the USPS flat rate shipping pouches.
If you win and live outside of CONUS, you will get glory, honor, and respect. You can have the magazines too if you'll pay the shipping. (Sorry, international comrades)
I'll try to post about 5 of these over the next few weeks covering various periods. We'll start simple. Let's begin with one I pulled from a West Point class website, it set in the current age and is called...
Squad Attack By Fire
You are the Squad Leader for 1st Squad of 2/B/2-329IN. Your rifle squad consists 2 fire teams. Additionally, you are reinforced with a three-man M240B machine gun team.
SQD LDR= Squad leader
TM LDR = Team leader
GREN = grenadier, M4 with attached M203 40mm Grenade launcher
RMAT= normally the squad Javelin ATGM gunner, but left behind for this mission so another AR
AR = Automatic rifleman with M249 squa automatic weapon
DM = Squad designated marksman armed with upgraded M-16 with bipod and good optics.
Your unit is currently deployed to the country of Somalistan as part of a U.S.-led force that is attempting to conduct humanitarian relief operations. You are operating in the capital city which is a large urban slum of almost a million people. There are heavily armed gangs of fighters roaming the streets under the command of the warlords who have taken control of much of the city. 2-329IN has established a Forward Operating Base (FOB) near a large soccer stadium in the northwest part of town, and the companies have been conducting patrols in the surrounding neighborhoods to assist in quelling the violence being perpetrated by the street gangs.
Current Situation:
While out on patrol, you receive an alert on the platoon radio net that a UH-60 helicopter was hit by an RPG and has crashed at a location two blocks southwest of your current position. Immediately, your Platoon Leader gives orders for all squads to converge on the crash site to secure the wreckage and evacuate any survivors. You immediately begin moving your squad toward the crash site along a narrow side street. The area is deserted, a sign that all of the local civilians are aware of the impending danger and are trying to keep out of the way. As your lead team nears a corner, they signal a halt and indicate enemy activity to their front with a hand signal. You rush up to the corner, peer around the corner and see this:

A small group of fighters are positioned in an open area approximately 75 meters to your front. By their distinctive red headscarves, you recognize them as members of one of the militias that you have been fighting over the last several days. There are 9 men on the ground:
- Six of them are brandishing AK-47s
- Three others are carrying RPG-7s (like the one reported to have struck the downed UH-60).
- Also, there is a small pick-up truck with an SPG-9 recoilless rifle mounted in the back.
This element is stationary and they have not detected your presence. They all seem to be focusing their attention in the opposite direction from your squad’s location.
There is a small concrete barrier just to the front of where you are standing that offers a well-covered position where you could position your squad in a linear formation facing the enemy. Beyond this barrier, the ground is open with no cover. With no time to spare and no way of bypassing this enemy force, you decide to attack.
What do you do?
Take 1 minute and think about your course of action, then type up what orders you will give to your 2 fireteam leaders and the attached M240 Machine Gun team. Then write up why you issued teh orders you did.
Good luck!