Oddly enough, I keep vacillating between modern combined
arms at the company level and the American War of Independence. Variety is the spice of life they say, so
here goes!
With the Thanksgiving holiday coming up, I would like to get
my 6mm AWI forces back on the table for some action. Initially I thought about a map campaign in
the colony of South Carolina using this amazing period map from the Library of Congress. While I may still pursue that
as the basis for my next Matrix game I run online, I want something to give me
a few fast, fun interrelated games.
So here is the plan… utilizing the ever popular 3 act structure, inspired by Lloydian Aspects, one of my favorite wargaming websites for the last 20 years, when I started playing Crossfire.
Each General starts with the following forces, each equals
one unit in my One Hour Wargames AWI variant.
It is not 100% historically accurate, but assume that some Crown forces
are tied up by partisans.
Crown Forces
- 33rd Regiment of Foot (Aggressive, Elite)
- 23rd Regiment of Foot (Aggressive, Elite)
- 71st Highlanders (Aggressive, Elite)
- 7th Foot
- Battalion Guards (Aggressive, Elite)
- Von Bose Regiment (Aggressive, Elite)
- Combined Grenadiers (Aggressive, Elite)
- British Legion Infantry
- 2 x Combined Light Infantry (Aggressive Elite, Skirmishers)
- Jaegers (Elite, Skirmishers, Rifles)
- 2 x British Legion Dragoons
- 17th Dragoons
- 2 x Artillery
- 8 Leaders
Patriot Forces
- 1st MD Continentals (Aggressive)
- 2nd MD Continentals
- 1st VA Continentals
- 2nd VA Continental’s
- Continental Light Infantry (Skirmishers)
- 3rd Continental Dragoons
- Lee’s Legion Dragoons
- Lee’s Legion light Infantry (Skirmishers)
- 2 x Artillery
- 6 x Leaders
- Militia (Poor Discipline): Roll Average Die + 2 for how many show up
- Backwoodsmen (Elite, Skirmishers, Rifles, Roll d6: 1-2 = 1, 3-4 = 2, 5-6 = 3
Battle results
I am going to use good old fashioned,
Kriegspiel style military judgement to determine when a battle is over and who
holds the field at the end of the engagement.
Sequence of Battles
Each side will divide their forces into 2 as Greene sends a
detachment under Morgan off to the west towards the Spartan district. For campaign purposes, I will assume that
while this is going on, Cornwallis is able to force Greene into a battle…
The terrain or each battle will be set up based on a
randomly generated One Hour Wargames scenario, enhanced with extra woods, etc
until it is pleasing to the eye.
Fight #1:
This will notionally be between the detachments in the
- The Patriots will be led by Daniel Morgan and get a +1 for each militia roll and 1 free leader in addition to Morgan
- The Crown forces will be led by Tarleton and must include at least 1 unit of British Legion dragoons and the British legion infantry
Fight #2:
The Main armies, assuming that Cornwallis sees and
opportunity to force Greene into battle
Recovery before the final battle
This is where the weakness of the British forces is really
showcased. Cornwallis had significant
issues maintaining his troop numbers in the field as they were constantly being
whittled away by battle casualties, sickness, and the need to maintain
garrisons across the colony such as Ninety-Six, Camden, and Georgetown. Losses were very difficult to replace. So for the British after each battle:
British Recovery
Units that are broken are recovered on a d6 roll
of 1
For unaffected units, roll 1d6, on a 1-2 they
start the final battle with 1 casualty marker (due to sickness and troops falling
out on the brutal march)
Fallen leaders are recovered on a roll of 1-2
and are available for the next battle
The Patriot forces on the other hand had several advantages
in this area, as Von Steuben was Greene’s quartermaster in VA feeding supplies
and replacements to the army. Plus,
Militia performance on the battlefields was variable at best, but it was raised
from across SC, NC, and VA for the campaign and new militia could be called up.
Patriot Recovery
Units that are broken are recovered on a d6 roll
of 1-3
Militia units do not need to recover, but are
randomly generated at the start of the battle.
Fallen leaders are recovered on a roll of 1-2
and are available for the next battle
The Final Battle