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Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Ruritanian-Elbonian War of 1925: Battle 2, Escape!

Initial Elbonian People’s Army (EPA) attacks in the south have been repulsed by the Royal Ruritanian Army (RRA).  Meanwhile, on the North Ruritanian Plain, the RRA has simultaneously launched its own offensive (historians are still divided on who the aggressor was during the Ruritanian-Elbonian War of 1925.)

Note: I randomly Generated Scenario 13: Escape from One Hour Wargames

This was planned by the RRA high command as a limited spoiling attack to throw the EPA off balance.  The RRA send a motorized column of a reinforced rifle battalion to raid into Elbonian territory to attack a supply depot.  As they return to friendly positions, they find a blocking force in their way and scouts report EPA units are converging.  It is imperative to break through and not be swamped by the EPA!

Victory Conditions: The RRA wins if they exit at least 4 Truck and 4 Non-Truck units off of the table at the hex marked E, aircraft do not count for victory purposes.  The EPA win if they can prevent this.
The RRA Forces consist of: (deploy first in within 1 hex of hex marked A, Takes first turn)

  • 1 x HQ
  • 4 x Infantry Companies
  • 2 x MG Companies
  • 6 x Trucks
  • 2 x Armored Cars
  • 1 x Aircraft (Ace Pilot)

The EPA forces consist of:
Start of the game within 1 hex of the hex marked B

  • 1 x Infantry Company
  • 1 x Machine Gun company

Turn 3

  • 2 x Cavalry Squadrons at hex A
  • 1 x aircraft at point C

Turn 4

  • 2 x Armored Cars at point D

Turn 5

  • 1 x HQ
  • 3 x Infantry Companies at hex E
  • 1 x Machine Gun Company at hex E

Turn 6

  • 1 x Artillery at Hex D

The battlefield
(Any suggestions on a better way to draw hex maps is appreciated)

The Battle

I used my Ruritanian-Elbonian War rules version 3. They are the definitive historical simulation of the conflict!
Here is the table set up.  The RRA column is in the upper left corner

The RRA prepares to make good its escape.  Units next to trucks are mounted in them.

 RRA Lead companies clear the first EPA blocking position
 But then take grievous losses from enfilading Maxim guns covering the choke point
EPA reinforcements begin to arrive, including air support that knocks out RRA armored cars screening the flank of the column.

 The RRA drives off the Maxim guns and tries to run for it before more EPA troops arrive
 But the EPA airforce lights up the truck column
Here we have the end game.  Most of the RRA forces are still disorganized at the choke point.  The RRA fighter ace finally decides to try to protect the convoy, but fails to do any damage and is the only survivor.  The rest of the RRA column is forced to scatter or surrender as their escape is blocked by a fresh EPA Infantry battalion supported by armored cars.

A decisive Elbonian victory!

The war continues with neither side gaining the upper hand.  So far, this is a very enjoyable and rewarding little project.  Until next time, good gaming!

1 comment:

  1. I can't help but speculate what might happen if these 'troubles' last until the early 30's--might the Ruritanians have to decide whether to accept "help" from the new government of Germany?

    Best regards,

    Chris Johnson
