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Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Darkest Africa mini-campaign Part 1

So first for the good news... I got a new job!  More money and 100% remote.  Plus I picked up a side gig teaching programming at a local community college.  Then end result is I am taking a "gap week" between jobs this week, going on cruise with wife next week and start new job following week.  At my good lady-wife's insistence I have been getting some gaming in.  

This time I am using One Hour Skirmish, a set I am becoming very fond of. I will write up a review in tbe next few weeks, but I am keen on the card system.

The only tweaks I have made are muzzleloaders take 2AP to fire and allow groups of touching models to move for 3AP but may not fire, under some circumstances. I would normally post my QRS, but that would be most of the rules. Go buy them now and throw some ducats John Lambshead's way.

Here is the start of the expedition

And here is the collumn of Askari, led by Lt Barnaby of the Midsomer Light Infantry aka the "Millies."

The first battle was protecting a village from the slavers. Here are the villans...

Here is the village, slavers on left, expedition on right.
It was a a very fun, tense game. ended with a shootout on one flank and in the center of village before the slavers morale broke and they fled.

The expedition continued on, guided by a grateful villager. 
Until they encountered an Ambush!

Next time... the Anzique wardrums are beating!


  1. The One Hour Skirmish War-game rules are great fun to play with few rules to think about.

    1. I am getting a lot of use out of them. Right now I am enamored with the card system and dispensing with dice. At least for my solo games there is more drama in turning a card than rolling a die.

  2. One Hour Skirmish is one of my favorite rule sets - I always like seeing other people putting them into action. I have to say, I don't think I've ever had a side break morale. Maybe I'm doing something wrong?

    I hadn't thought about combining the Snakes and Ladders campaign approach with skirmish games. Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. I seem to be having a similar issue. All of my games so far have only seen a side break once, every other time I "called the patient." I need to reread that section as well.

  3. Hehehe... Lt. Barnaby of the Midsomer Light Infantry. What a versatile man that copper is!

    1. Everything I know about Britain I learned from Midsomer Murders, Morse, Lewis, Poirot, etc. I feel ready to move there, I will just never, ever announce that "I will change my will tomorrow."

      Never underestimate Causton CID!
